7, 2013
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Happy New Year and welcome back!
Pajama Day
Hope everyone had a safe and fun filled holiday! We are looking forward, once again, to
working and playing together with the students to help them continue to learn
and grow.
We will be exploring 2D shapes
and 3 figures. Students will identify
shapes in in the environment and create figures using various materials.
Some students have showed an
interest in basketball. We will continue
to learn more about our favourite players through read-alouds and utilizing the
smartboard for research.
Our Dramatic Art Centre has been
transformed to an Animal Hospital.
Students will learn how to care for animals and use specialized language
that may be heard at a Veterinarians Office.
Donations are always accepted and appreciated, items that we are looking
for are clean stuffed animals, doctor tools, bandages, x rays, Q-tips, new tooth brushes, small blankets,
small animal crates.
Please remember that with the cold weather
upon us, children must be dressed warm because we will continue to have outdoor
learning twice a day. Students need a
coat, snow pants, a hat, mittens, and boots.
Please remember that they also must have shoes to wear indoors.
Friday, January 25th, we would like to invite all kindergarten
students to wear a hat to school for “Kindergarten Crazy Hat” day.
Jan. 18th - Professional Development Day (NO School)
Feb. 4th – Term 1 report Cards go home
Partners in Education,
Taylor and Miss Zilio