Wednesday, 28 March 2012

What happened today in our play-based learning program...

Bubble Stamping

Students were given instructions to blow into the straw to create bubbles from the paint, soap and water mixture.   Some students stayed at this activity for a long length of time.  Blowing bubbles in a cup..... an activity usually not allowed at the table!!  Therefore, the students loved it.  Once the students had blown enough bubbles over the top of the rim, they covered the cup with a paper to make a print.

Each student had their own straw.

Mrs. Taylor and Ms.Palmer's class received a mystery caller today!  Ms. Palmer had brought in some seeds.  We learned what kind of seeds they were and the best way to plant them from our Expert on the telephone.  The student's were very excited to learn from a mystery voice on the phone.  They listened attentively, then followed the instructions to plant the grass seeds in the 3 different areas. The students will be watching the seeds grow and measure the progress. 

Building using a variety of materials from around the classroom.

Students have been busy exploring and investigating nature. 
Some students may have sketched drawings, then added words into their Science Discovery notebooks.  Items are continuing to be brought into the classroom from home and the schoolyard.

Students have enjoyed measuring water in different everyday containers.

These are just a few of the centres that were designed for learning today!!!

Friday, 23 March 2012

Spring Inquiry

"To a young child, the world is full of materials to touch, discover, and explore. To find, collect, sort, and use material is to embark on a special kind of adventure. For adults, gathering materials means rediscovering the richness and beauty in natural, unexpected, and recyclable objects that are all around us, but not often unnoticed.”
(Weisman Topal & Gandini, 1999)

During March Break we asked you look for signs of Spring with your child.

Many students have brought in signs of spring. 
We have had buds from trees, spiders, worms, 6 potato bugs and 3 snails.

We are still encouraging students to bring in pieces of nature, photographs and drawings of the signs of spring. More importantly, if your child has any questions, please write them down for the class to discuss and further investigate.

In the classroom, Ms. Palmer brought in an mystery object she found in her garden.  We asked the students what they thought it was.  After they investigated the object they made guesses.

The student predictions are listed below.
Natasha - flower
Danny - tomato
Kyiah - house bugs
Yohanna - bone
Gracie - tomato
Lydia - tomato
Ariel - flower
Ella - mushroom
Cheyenne - pumpkin

Our mystery object is a lily bulb that will be planted in the classroom for the students to watch, help take care of and learn about. 

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Field Trip

Thank you to all the parents for joining us and helping out with our field trip to Winstar Gymnastics and Jumping Party!!  Our trip was a huge success, the students were smiling ear to ear!

This is what they had to say about it.....

Gracie - "I liked when we were jumping."
Haven Taylor - "I liked jumping on the castle."
Bryson - "My favourite was the fast slide."
Elijah - "My favourite part was the rings."
Demar- "I liked to play on the bicycle."
Andre - "I liked the blowing up slide."
Lucas - " My favourite was the trampoline and jumping."
Ariel - "I liked when I slide down."
Cameron - "I liked the castle blowing up."

Here are a few pictures to share your child's experience. 

Monday, 5 March 2012

More Problem Solving -- learning from a curious monkey

This week we compared different types of media using Curious George. We read books, watched videos and utilized the smart board playing educational Curious George games from PBS.

Curious George models problem solving strategies. For example, Curious George will try many ideas to accomplish a task (building a bridge or web), using different materials. After testing and experimenting materials, he will design a plan and build his structure. Also, after the cartoon, the DVD includes a non-fiction video of children exploring a similar concept. This provides the students an opportunity to make a real life connection.

Responding to Curious George Webmaster --
The students wanted to create their own web.    

The following day students created spiders to go on their web. They used styrofoam spheres, pipe cleaners and markers. 

Our spider inquiry continues as we explore a variety of materials for designing and creating more 8 legged creatures.

Curriculum expectation:
5.2 communicate their ideas verbally and non-verbally about a variety of media materials

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Working Together

In our program, the Early Years Team works each day with the children on their "problem solving" skills. Activities that engage children in problem-solving help them to identify and set goals and to develop attention and persistence. They also assist children in developing flexibility in thinking and to begin to recognise and reflect on consequences and relationships of cause and effect. Importantly, success in finding solutions helps children gain confidence in themselves as individuals, social beings and learners.

Building with blocks is always a popular center that shows students' ability to work together, sharing materials and solving construction problems.

 Faith started to build this "Rocket ship" by herself but welcomed Brooklyn and Kyra when they wanted to help her.

Students in Mrs. Taylor's class designed a bus and went on an adventure around town!!!

The students collaboratively created a parking garage on one of our tree stumps.

Another example that emphaizes the importance of teamwork and problem solving is the Lassi Table.

There is a writing table in each classroom where the students will find a variety of writing materials.  This picture shows students designing and writing Valentine's Day cards.  Often, students will ask each other for correct spelling or use word cards.

Taking turns while playing games helps to teach cooperation. Students are also learning to develop good communication skills as they discuss whose turn it is and the matches that they have found in their cards.

Students here are learning to work together as a group to create patterns.  They engage in math talk with each other as they explain their thinking.

 Students here are working together to figure out how to measure some snakes.