Monday, 5 March 2012

More Problem Solving -- learning from a curious monkey

This week we compared different types of media using Curious George. We read books, watched videos and utilized the smart board playing educational Curious George games from PBS.

Curious George models problem solving strategies. For example, Curious George will try many ideas to accomplish a task (building a bridge or web), using different materials. After testing and experimenting materials, he will design a plan and build his structure. Also, after the cartoon, the DVD includes a non-fiction video of children exploring a similar concept. This provides the students an opportunity to make a real life connection.

Responding to Curious George Webmaster --
The students wanted to create their own web.    

The following day students created spiders to go on their web. They used styrofoam spheres, pipe cleaners and markers. 

Our spider inquiry continues as we explore a variety of materials for designing and creating more 8 legged creatures.

Curriculum expectation:
5.2 communicate their ideas verbally and non-verbally about a variety of media materials