Friday, 23 March 2012

Spring Inquiry

"To a young child, the world is full of materials to touch, discover, and explore. To find, collect, sort, and use material is to embark on a special kind of adventure. For adults, gathering materials means rediscovering the richness and beauty in natural, unexpected, and recyclable objects that are all around us, but not often unnoticed.”
(Weisman Topal & Gandini, 1999)

During March Break we asked you look for signs of Spring with your child.

Many students have brought in signs of spring. 
We have had buds from trees, spiders, worms, 6 potato bugs and 3 snails.

We are still encouraging students to bring in pieces of nature, photographs and drawings of the signs of spring. More importantly, if your child has any questions, please write them down for the class to discuss and further investigate.

In the classroom, Ms. Palmer brought in an mystery object she found in her garden.  We asked the students what they thought it was.  After they investigated the object they made guesses.

The student predictions are listed below.
Natasha - flower
Danny - tomato
Kyiah - house bugs
Yohanna - bone
Gracie - tomato
Lydia - tomato
Ariel - flower
Ella - mushroom
Cheyenne - pumpkin

Our mystery object is a lily bulb that will be planted in the classroom for the students to watch, help take care of and learn about.