Sunday, 27 November 2011

Rainbow Rice

Rainbow Rice

Last week, the students dyed white rice. The students followed the recipe with Ms. Palmer, and had opportunities to measure and stir the ingredients together. The colours of the rice created rainbow rice!!!


The Recipe

Mix the rice and rubbing alcohol together, then add the food colouring. Pour the rice onto tinfoil to lay flat. Wait one hour or more for the food colouring to dry. Then, have fun exploring with a new textile.

List of Materials:

1 cup of dry rice

1 teaspoon of rubbing alcohol

3-4 drops of food colouring




The students explored the rice with a variety of tools throughout the week.

Stay tuned to see the pictures of our Rainbow Noodles that the students dyed on Friday.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Fun with Art!

Balloon Painting


Tape Painting


Line Art

Tin Foil Sculptures


Thursday, 24 November 2011

"Not A Box"

This week, we shared the story "Not A Box" by Antoinette Portis with the students. This story is about a bunny that uses his imagination to pretend that his box is a race car, a mountain, a hot air ballon and many other things. We then presented the students with two large boxes. The students decided to turn one into a train and the other into a rocketship. Here are some pictures of us while we were making the rocketship.

Joel said, "We need a door!". Hussein said it should be a rectangle shape. Dalida helped to make cone for the top of the rocketship.

Faith, Jazmin and Nour made an astronaut outfit for Trenton. Tristan and Brooke used boxes to make a computer for the rocketship. Sabrina wrote the word "BLASTOFF" under the launch button that Aidan and Hussein made.

All of the students worked well together to determine the shapes needed for the windows and the door. The students used red tissue paper for the fire coming out of the exhaust, and we are now working on creating wings. Trenton told us that they need to be triangles, so we will continue working on this together.

Is it Goop or Slime?

The children had a great time working with Green Goop in Mrs. Olafson and Mrs. DeYoung's room today. We mixed cornstarch with water to make the Goop. We decided it would be better to add some colour so we mixed yellow + blue = Green. The  children found it fascinating that it looked like liquid, but it felt slimey when you first touched it. The students were also amazed that you could grab a ball of the goop and squeeze it, and then as you release you hand it turns back into slime.

Pattern Day

Pattern Day

Using the pictures below, ask your child to tell you the "pattern rule" on their friends shirts.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

December Kindernews

November has been a very busy month.

Thank you to all families that supported Prince Edward and collected pledges for our Aerob-a-thon. Aerob-a-thon money and all the pink pledge forms are now due. Please remember that all pink pledge sheets need to be returned to the school, even if they are blank.

We would also like to thank all parents who came to discuss their child's progress reports.

The students have voted and decided to turn our bakery into a McDonald's Restaurant. We have worked with the students to make the necessary changes--- sorting foods, moving furniture, hanging signs. The students were very excited to see that we have actual cups and food wrappers from McDonald's for them to use. A big thank you to the McDonald’s located at the corner of Tecumseh Rd E and Drouillard Rd. for their generous donations. We are excited to see the math and language skills developing from this new drama centre.

In addition to McDonald's, we have created a living room for dramatic arts. The students have babies to care for, feed, and cuddle.  Other accessories for the students to incorporate in playful learning are baby clothing, a change table, two rocking cradles, and a push buggy.  We are looking for donations of baby blankets and small doll clothes to further develop the students learning.

Upcoming Learning!!!
Our students will be continuing to learn:
  • the different units of measurement (small, medium, large)
  • letter recognition and their linking sounds
  • various cultural traditions
  • numbers
  • personal hygiene

Important Reminders
  • The winter weather has arrived. Please dress your child appropriately. We will be going outside daily. Your child will need a warm winter jacket, a hat, gloves, snow pants and boots. An indoor pair of shoes will be required to be left at school.
  • Aerobathon Money is due. Please return your Pink Aerobathon pledge sheet.
  • Tuesday, December 6th at 4:00 pm.– Our Parent Council is having another Movie Night. Save the date – more information will follow.

Home Connections
  • Please continue to read our weekly poem with your child. We send it home every Friday, usually with a simple follow-up activity. Don't forget to sign the page after you have worked with your child. The duo tang is to be returned every Monday.

Please continue to browse our classroom blog. Our blog was created for parents to know what their child is learning each day in school. Together, look at the pictures, read the blog and TALK. Here is the link:

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

A Huge Success -- 2011 Aerobathon

The students had a great time participating in this year's fundraiser -- Our Annual Aerobathon.  The students danced with  the Prince Edward Community (teachers, students and administrators).  Ms. Murray and Ms. Foris lead the stretching and dancing on the west porch platform, while Mr. Freeborn worked the sound system.  The students danced and sang along with the music, showing lots of excitement and enthusiasm.  Many of the songs were practised during Physical Education with Ms. Murray.  The weather cooperated, and it didn't start to rain until we were wrapping up with our last dance. 

Ms. Foris and Ms. Murray

Look at our dance moves!!

For the last song, some of our JK/SK friends were asked to go on stage! Being on stage was a highlight for some of our students! Ask your child about their favourite dance and to show your some of their new dance moves!!!

Thanks to all families who have handed in their forms and pledge money.  Thank you also to those families that are still collecting pledges.  We ask that all PINK PLEDGE FORMS and MONEY be returned to the school by Thursday, November 17, 2011.   Some of the funds will go towards our JK/SK program for classroom supplies and field trips.  Thank you for your continued support of Prince Edward students!!!!