Wednesday, 23 November 2011

December Kindernews

November has been a very busy month.

Thank you to all families that supported Prince Edward and collected pledges for our Aerob-a-thon. Aerob-a-thon money and all the pink pledge forms are now due. Please remember that all pink pledge sheets need to be returned to the school, even if they are blank.

We would also like to thank all parents who came to discuss their child's progress reports.

The students have voted and decided to turn our bakery into a McDonald's Restaurant. We have worked with the students to make the necessary changes--- sorting foods, moving furniture, hanging signs. The students were very excited to see that we have actual cups and food wrappers from McDonald's for them to use. A big thank you to the McDonald’s located at the corner of Tecumseh Rd E and Drouillard Rd. for their generous donations. We are excited to see the math and language skills developing from this new drama centre.

In addition to McDonald's, we have created a living room for dramatic arts. The students have babies to care for, feed, and cuddle.  Other accessories for the students to incorporate in playful learning are baby clothing, a change table, two rocking cradles, and a push buggy.  We are looking for donations of baby blankets and small doll clothes to further develop the students learning.

Upcoming Learning!!!
Our students will be continuing to learn:
  • the different units of measurement (small, medium, large)
  • letter recognition and their linking sounds
  • various cultural traditions
  • numbers
  • personal hygiene

Important Reminders
  • The winter weather has arrived. Please dress your child appropriately. We will be going outside daily. Your child will need a warm winter jacket, a hat, gloves, snow pants and boots. An indoor pair of shoes will be required to be left at school.
  • Aerobathon Money is due. Please return your Pink Aerobathon pledge sheet.
  • Tuesday, December 6th at 4:00 pm.– Our Parent Council is having another Movie Night. Save the date – more information will follow.

Home Connections
  • Please continue to read our weekly poem with your child. We send it home every Friday, usually with a simple follow-up activity. Don't forget to sign the page after you have worked with your child. The duo tang is to be returned every Monday.

Please continue to browse our classroom blog. Our blog was created for parents to know what their child is learning each day in school. Together, look at the pictures, read the blog and TALK. Here is the link: