Tuesday, 15 November 2011

A Huge Success -- 2011 Aerobathon

The students had a great time participating in this year's fundraiser -- Our Annual Aerobathon.  The students danced with  the Prince Edward Community (teachers, students and administrators).  Ms. Murray and Ms. Foris lead the stretching and dancing on the west porch platform, while Mr. Freeborn worked the sound system.  The students danced and sang along with the music, showing lots of excitement and enthusiasm.  Many of the songs were practised during Physical Education with Ms. Murray.  The weather cooperated, and it didn't start to rain until we were wrapping up with our last dance. 

Ms. Foris and Ms. Murray

Look at our dance moves!!

For the last song, some of our JK/SK friends were asked to go on stage! Being on stage was a highlight for some of our students! Ask your child about their favourite dance and to show your some of their new dance moves!!!

Thanks to all families who have handed in their forms and pledge money.  Thank you also to those families that are still collecting pledges.  We ask that all PINK PLEDGE FORMS and MONEY be returned to the school by Thursday, November 17, 2011.   Some of the funds will go towards our JK/SK program for classroom supplies and field trips.  Thank you for your continued support of Prince Edward students!!!!