Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Snow Inquiry

Our students REALLY enjoyed playing in the snow during the outdoor play time. Mrs. Kelly and a few students decided it would be a great idea to explore snow inside the classroom. A few students went outside to bring snow into the school.

Snow was explored in Mrs. Kelly's room and Mrs. Taylor's room.

In Mrs. Kelly's room, the students were interested in the fact that the texture of the snow had changed now that we had brought it into our classroom. While we were playing outside, the snow was light and fluffy. We tried to build snowmen, but we couldn't form large enough balls with the snow. Inside the classroom, the students noticed that the snow was heavier and that we could form it into shapes.

Brooke said, "I made a triangle pizza."

Dalida said, "I made a little snowman."

After lunch, we noticed that the science table was now filled with water. 
Trenton said, "It melted."
Aaliyah said, "It turned into a liquid because it is too, too hot in our school."

In Mrs. Taylor's room, Harmony and Maggie were interested in changing the colours of the snow. Blue, yellow and orange were added.

The friends in the water table wanted to dump the snow into the water table. We made predictions of what they thought would happen.
Lucas said, "The snow would melt".
Alex said, "The water would freeze up".
Lydia said, "All of it would turn into ice."
Elijah said, "The cars would get stuck in there."
Lucas also added, "The snow would melt because we are in the school."
Finally, after many predictions, Alex said very excitedly, "LET'S TEST IT!"

What the student's noticed --
Lucas said,"It's turning green!"
Lydia replied, "It's changing colours. The water is colder."

It was only a few minutes before all the snow melted in the warm water.
What happened to the snow?
Lucas said, "I don't see any ice. No more snow. It melted."

Our students enjoyed bringing the snow into the classroom.  During our next outdoor play period the students asked to bring in small chucks of ice into the classroom to watch it melt.  So we did!!!
The chunks of ice took much longer to melt in the water table, and the water was very cold.  Gracie said, "Her hands were like ice cubes -- freezing!!!"  
SCIENCE Curriculum Expectations:

2.1 pose questions before and during investigations
2.2 make predictions and observations before and during investigations
2.3 select and use materials to carry out their own explorations
2.4 communicate results and finding from individual and group investigations

Monday, 30 January 2012

Winter Animal Week

Last week, the students learned about animals that prepare for winter and animals that hibernate during the cold winter months.   They listened to a variety of fiction and non-fiction stories.  Students were given opportunities to retell the stories by acting them out and using props.  

Some of the read-alouds were:
"Winter Lullaby"  
"Hibernation Station"
"Time to Sleep"

Questions to ask your children at home -
Which animals hibernate?
How do animals prepare for hibernation?
Where do animals hibernate?
What other animals do NOT hibernate? How do those animals prepare for the cold months?

Go on an adventure with your child to one of our local parks and look for animals that do not hibernate and their tracks?

Making Bird feeders

Each student was given an opportunity to make a bird feeder for their own yard.
The students covered a pine cone with lard and then rolled it in birdseed.
 (donated by Lowe's and Home Depot). 

Some of the other centres around the room:

Hay/Straw (frogs and insects)

Rocks and Dirt  (snakes and lizards)
Students used various materials to create a cozy and warm den for hibernating bears.

SCIENCE Curriculum expectations:
1.3 explore patterns in the natural and built world
3.2 describe what would happen if something in the local environment changed
3.3 identify ways in which they can care for and show respect for the environment
3.4 participate in environmentally friendly activities in the classroom and schoolyard

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Print Making

Print Making

Last week, we noticed that fewer students were utilizing the paint easels.  So we came up with NEW ideas.

For art, the students created a simple picture using white glue.  After a full day of drying, the students used a foam paint brush to cover their glue image.  Then, they stamped the image onto a white paper to create a print.  Some students made many prints from their glue image.

Students are always showing an interest in vehicles.  Daily, students create and build various structures (motorcycles, fire trucks, buses, cars) with the wooden blocks.  To develop this interest, students had an opportunity to paint with various trucks.  Many students chose to create truck tracks, and many visited this centre more than once!

Dinosaurs  are another very popular topic in the classroom. Dinosaurs are often chosen for play time.  In the past, dinosaurs have been used in the sand and water table, with the building blocks, on the light table, and drawn for still art. Students were excited to use the dinosaurs to create dinosaur prints.

Other Print Making Ideas students enjoyed are:
- foot prints
- circle and square prints 
- cookie cutter prints

Monday, 16 January 2012

Winter clothing

Winter Time is HERE!!!

Please remember to send your child dressed for the cold weather.
Warm coat
Snow pants
Don't forget an indoor pair of shoes!

Have your child practise dressing at home independently. 
Ask them to show your their 'Coat Trick'.

We have lots of LOST and FOUND.
Send a note in your child's NOTE TOTE,
 if you are missing an article of clothing. 

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Could this Happen?

Could this Happen?

Students were asked to draw pictures of things that could NOT happen.  Things that would be IMPOSSIBLE.

Here are pictures of their drawings and what they had to say.

Lydia drew a picture of a red sky. green rain, a flying dog, a red cat holding an umbrella in yellow grass.

Cheyenne drew a flying dog.

Gracie drew a BIG red tomato exploding in the sky.

Have you Filled a Bucket today?

We started this week off with one of the best-selling, picture books-

Have you Filled a Bucket today?
Written by Carol McCloud


Written by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer

This idea has become an excellent teaching tool that encourages positive behavior as children see how very easy and rewarding it is to express kindness, appreciation, and love on a daily basis.  During the story, children learn the meaning of the terms, bucket filling and bucket dipping and discover that when they fill someone's bucket, they fill their own.

Already our students have expressed when they buckets are being filled and times when their buckets are being emptied.

Student's Voice

Joel - "Mrs. Kelly filled me and my friends buckets."
Jamie - "Madison played with me outside."
Hailee - "Dounia was playing with me."

At home, if your child is using this language please refer to some of the key terms or check out the websites below for more clarification.
Interview with author -- Carol McCloud

Key Terms

What is the "bucket"?The bucket represents your feelings.

How do you feel when your bucket is full?When your bucket is full, you feel more confident, happy, patient, and friendly. Your thoughts are positive, your happiness that can spread to those around you. Have you ever felt better after someone gave you a friendly smile or happy grin? This is the "ripple effect" of a full bucket.

How do you feel when your bucket is empty?When your bucket is empty you can easily become sad.  An empty bucket can affect your behavior and cause you to express your emotions in a way that empties the buckets of those around you.

What is Bucket Filling?KIND actions or words.
For example, smiling, helping, and respecting others.
A portion of the class chant.

What is Bucket Dipping?Saying or doing unkind things.
For example, making fun of someone, hands on, refusing to help someone, or bullying.

Have you filled someone's bucket today?