Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Have you Filled a Bucket today?

We started this week off with one of the best-selling, picture books-

Have you Filled a Bucket today?
Written by Carol McCloud


Written by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer

This idea has become an excellent teaching tool that encourages positive behavior as children see how very easy and rewarding it is to express kindness, appreciation, and love on a daily basis.  During the story, children learn the meaning of the terms, bucket filling and bucket dipping and discover that when they fill someone's bucket, they fill their own.

Already our students have expressed when they buckets are being filled and times when their buckets are being emptied.

Student's Voice

Joel - "Mrs. Kelly filled me and my friends buckets."
Jamie - "Madison played with me outside."
Hailee - "Dounia was playing with me."

At home, if your child is using this language please refer to some of the key terms or check out the websites below for more clarification.
Interview with author -- Carol McCloud

Key Terms

What is the "bucket"?The bucket represents your feelings.

How do you feel when your bucket is full?When your bucket is full, you feel more confident, happy, patient, and friendly. Your thoughts are positive, your happiness that can spread to those around you. Have you ever felt better after someone gave you a friendly smile or happy grin? This is the "ripple effect" of a full bucket.

How do you feel when your bucket is empty?When your bucket is empty you can easily become sad.  An empty bucket can affect your behavior and cause you to express your emotions in a way that empties the buckets of those around you.

What is Bucket Filling?KIND actions or words.
For example, smiling, helping, and respecting others.
A portion of the class chant.

What is Bucket Dipping?Saying or doing unkind things.
For example, making fun of someone, hands on, refusing to help someone, or bullying.

Have you filled someone's bucket today?