Sunday, 23 October 2011

Light Table Inquiry

Haven-Taylor was interested in sorting the buttons.  She began sorting the buttons by placing them onto one her favourite books about cats.  She was sorting the buttons to match the colour of the cats.
 Soon many friends joined into Haven-Taylor's inquiry.

During the inquiry one of the buttons looked black on the light table, when they placed the button onto the book, it changed to white.  Haven -Taylor asked "Why does that happen?"

Leland is sorting by colour on the Light Table

Curriculum Expectation:
Data Management 5.1
sort, classify, and compare objects and describe the attributes used

Many students visited the light table to use the props to retell the story Goldilocks and the Three Little Bears.

Curriculum Expectation:
1.10  orally retell simple events and simple familiar stories in proper sequence
2.9  retell stories, in proper sequence, that have been read by and with the Early Years Team, using pictures in book and /or props