Friday, 28 October 2011

Finger Painting

Finger Painting on our Light Tables

Student's Voice while their were finger painting.
Naythin - "It reminds me of my mom."
Kaylo - "We are making brown."
Harmony - "Look, we have blue hands.  The colours are turning."
Naythin - "We are using colours to turn the paint."
Hannah - "We are going to wash our hands really good.  I love yellow. This is fun."
Hamoudy -"We are mixing clolours."
Hannan - "The paint is sticking to me."
Branden - "I drew the world.
Gracie - "I'm making letters in the paint."

The following day the student's painted letters on overheads to create our own "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" tree.

Also, the students had an opportunity to practise the formation of the letters.  They traced the letters from an overhead projector.