Saturday, 19 October 2013


Community Visitor from Brack Animal Hospital

At home, ask your child about dog safety, x-rays and the duties of a Vet Tech.

Making pancakes with Miss Lee

At home, ask your child about Miss Lee's experiment mixing pancakes without a recipe!

 Watching the Recycling Truck
At home, ask you child what type of materials can be recycled. 
Community Visitor from Windsor Humane Society

At home, ask you child how to approach a dog. 
If possible, plan a visit to the Windsor/Essex Humane Society to see various animals in the shelter.
Saving a plant

 At home, ask you child the steps to planting a plant.

Community Walk to Ottawa Dentist Office

 At home, ask your child how many times a day they should brush their teeth and how often they should visit the Dentist.
Sharing Circle

Sharing time is special part of the day. It is so great to see that many of our JK's are signing up and participating in sharing their work.  Students share songs, costumes, pictures, paintings, creations, musical instruments, and the list is endless.  The audience will have an opportunity to ask one question to each friend sharing their work.  Sharing time is an excellent opportunity for students to build their confidence and improve their oral language skills.