Monday, 20 May 2013

Ella and her family sharing some of their Native traditions

Ella's family visited the class to communicate and share some of their Native traditions.  Their family is from the Ojibway Tribe.  The students learned that a Pow-wow is a gathering of Natives and Non-Natives together to celebrate and dance. Pow-wows occur all over Canada and the United States. Native music and dancing is very popular at Pow-wows. The drum beat in the music represents the heart beat of Mother Earth. In Native music the drum beat is very powerful. Men, women and children of all ages join in the celebrations.
Regalia and bead work are usually completely by the Mother.  It takes time and patience. 
Ella's tribal dance regalia
Ella's Mom's earing
Ella's Dad read the story 'I can't Have Bannock But The Beaver Has A Dam' by Brenda Wheeler.  A story that has been passed down from generation to generation.  The family brought in bannock bread for the students to try and  it was delicious!
Links to Curriculum Expectations:
 Personal and Social Development
3.3 talk about events or tell stories that reflect their own heritage and cultural backgrounds of others (e.g., traditions, birthdays, cultural events, myths, Canadian symbols, holidays)

The Arts
Music 4.2 respond to music from various cultures, including their own (e.g., folk songs, Aboriginal chants, songs in different languages)