Monday, 15 April 2013

Some recent highlights!!
Girls designing and creating dresses, problem solving and working together.  Then, they modelled their dresses on a big block stage.
Getting messy!!
Mixture= flour, cornstarch and water

Some students created paper mache basketballs, others choose not to.  They said, "It looks to messy!"
Students have been playing and experimenting with instruments.
We use the school Ipads on a regularly.

Beach Day

Working with letters

A fork lift

A castle
Students are building many structures and vehicles with blocks.  They work together, problem solve and add toys from around the room to make their structures more interesting.
Cutting Exercise
Practicing to use scissors is an excellent way to increase muscle control in little hands.

The SHARING board is always filled. 
Many students try to write a sentences with a period at the end!
Remember to ask your child to share something they did at school with you!!!