Friday, 15 February 2013

Student created LOVE Poem


Elijah loves writing.
Selma loves her bicycle.
Kaylo loves playing with his Ipad.
Ahmad loves his Ipad.
Ella B. loves all her toys.
Gracie loves Flordia.
Lucas M. loves cars.
Angel loves babies.
Nisjeta loves her Mom and Dad to make a brother.
Cristian loves his mom.
Izabel loves her Mom.
Kyiah Muise loves her Ipod.
Laila loves her Mom.
Cameron Loves games.
Haven Loves cats.
Hamzah loves cars.
Lucas loves monster trucks.
Ally loves snuggling her dog.
Evelyn loves painting.
Farah loves letters.
Adrian loves play dough.
Holdyn loves going someplace with Nana, Daddy, Dom and Adria.
Ella W. loves playing in the park.
Rowan loves riding his bike.
Noah loves his Mom.
Lucas loves cars.
Abby loves playing art.

Written by JK/SK    Taylor and Zilio's Class

Friday, 1 February 2013

February KinderNews

February, 4, 2013

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We had a very busy January.  The students have been taking care of the animals in the Vet Centre creating and sharing puppet shows with our new theatre and have been building structures using a variety of materials.   Thank you for all the donations to our Vet Centre and the various art supplies. 

This month we will be furthering their inquiries, as well as focusing on personal hygiene and exploring money.   The students have requested to change the Vet Centre into a Supermarket.  We are looking for donations of: empty food boxes, cash registers, children grocery carts, money tray, grocery flyers, reusable shopping bags, and old phone books.

Please remember that with the cold weather upon us, children must be dressed warm because we will continue to have outdoor learning twice a day, unless the wind shield is too low.    Windsor weather changes very quickly, please send your child with a warm coat, snow pants, a hat, mittens, and boots every day.  Also, they must have shoes to wear indoors.

Many students have been sick with the flu and colds.  If your child is sick with the flu or flu like symptoms, please do not send them to school.  Sick children don’t have energy to learn, and they infect other students and staff.  


·       February 4th - Report cards go home. 

·       Thursday, February 7th –Parent-Teacher Conferences Please call the office if you would like to meet with us.

·       February 8th - PD Day (NO school for students)

·       February 14th –Valentines’ Day

Wear PINK, RED and WHITE DAY!    Currently, we have 28 students in the class.  If you child would like to send Valentine’s to their peers, feel free to just write  ‘From your child’s name’.   This makes it easier for your child to pass out their Valentines.    

·       February 18th - Family Day  (NO SCHOOL)

·       February 20th - Kindergarten Open House for 2013- 2014 Registrations from 4:00pm till 5:30pm

·       February 21st – 100 Days of School

Students are to bring in a collection of 100 items.

(i.e. pennies, cheerios, pebbles, Lego pieces, ect.)

·       February 22nd – Community Visitor from the Windsor Humane Society visiting the classroom

Your Partners in Education,

Mrs. Taylor and Miss Zilio