Sunday, 9 December 2012


The Dress Shop have been very a huge success.  Students love to wear costumes, hats and high heels while learning.  Thank you for all the donations of clothing and costumes.

This week we made popcorn with Mrs. Kelly's class.  The student's are learning how to retell steps.  We used pictures, best guessed spelling and oral language to retell the steps of making popcorn.  You can practice this at home by retelling how to get ready for school or after reading a book ask your child to retell the main parts in the story.  

Next week:
  • Students will continue to learn about patterns.  They are learning to create and extend colour, shape, size and directional patterns.  A favourite read aloud is called Pattern Bugs by Trudy Harris. 
  • Students will continue to learn about the importance of healthy eating, and learn about the 5 food groups.  Please remember to send healthy choices in your child's lunch.
  • Book orders were due on Friday.  I am extending this till Monday morning-- December 10th.  Last chance to order before the holidays!