Saturday, 17 November 2012

Activites to try and talk about at home...

Miss Zilio and this boy made an airplane out of pipe cleaner!
What else could be designed using pipe cleaner?
Hot Wheel Ramps were new to the classroom this week. 
Students created various designs throughout the classroom.
Washing and caring for babies.
Ms. Brown played dominoes with the students.  Together they created domino letters and numbers, then watched them fall.
Spin Painting
Students created 'masterpieces 'using spinners.
Some students wanted to make tracks with cars in the paint!
 Ask your child about 'Elastic Painting". 
Sorry I have no pictures, I have had some camera problems this week :(
This girl created an 'attendance folder', inside she made a grid (similar to what we use). Pretending to be the teacher and using the pointer at the easel happens often during Learning Centres.
Play school with your child at home, listen to their words and hear what they have learned!