Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Celebrating a Successful Year of PLAYING, EXPLORING and LEARNING

Memories of our last week together...

Sharing our class video with family and friends


Students helping to clean the classroom

Students making cards for various staff members

Water Play Day

Our year has come to an end.

We've made more cherished memories,

And many more new friends.

We've watched your children learn and grow,

And change from day to day.

We hope that all the things we've done,

Have helped in some small way.

They come to us for comfort,

And we dry away their tears.

They proudly show their work to us,

We give the loudest cheers.

We see each new accomplishment,

We help them grow and learn.

We play, sing and read to them,

And listen with concern.

We know the time is upon us,

When we will have to part.

But, please know each child we cared for,

Is forever in our hearts.

Thank-you so much for the opportunity to work with you as a parent, and must of all for entrusting us with your children!

We hope you have a safe and fun summer.
Please remember to:
ask questions
 be curious
 go on adventures
read everyday
and most importantly PLAY!

See you in the September,
Early Years Prince Edward Team

Monday, 11 June 2012

Never underestimate the power of play

Moments to Remember

Butterfly Release 

Making Costumes

Collaboration making more helicopters

Writing Centre - making cards

'I made 2 circles'

"The colours are coming out."

Putting makeup on

Tuesday, 5 June 2012


WOW Learning!!!

During outside play, some boys were fixing cars using tools as sticks.
Cameron said, 'i'm changing the battery."

Alkion said,"look I made a heart."

Ashton's house

Gracie's fabulous painting

Lydia showed Ms. Palmer with excitement and said, "Look, what I can do."
She was so proud of herself!

Can't wait to see what other great things will be happening at Prince Edward this week!!