Sunday, 5 February 2012

Learning about the Letters of the Alphabet in a Play-Based Program 

The students create letters with play dough, paint and many other craft materials. As they work, we engage in conversations about the letters.

The students write letters, their names and words in shaving foam, pudding and salt.  This stimulates their senses as they are learning about the letters.

As students engage in meaningful writing activities, they develop their understanding of letters, how they are formed and the sounds they produce.

The students play matching games where they match objects with the letters that they begin with.

A similar activity, but here the students are digging for hidden items in the sand table and then they are matching them up with an alphabet chart.

The students create signs to post in our ever-changing drama centre.  Here the students have created signs for a McDonald's restaurant.

Students utilize the word wall as they continue to develop their understanding of the letters of the alphabet.  Here, Hassan and Hamoudy are talking with eachother about the fact that both of their names begin with the letter H.