Thursday, 3 November 2011

Kindernews -- November

     It is hard to believe that Term One is now over!  You will receive your child’s first Progress Report on November 14th.  Interviews will be held on Thursday evening, November 17th from 5:00-7:00pm.  At that time, you will have the opportunity to meet and discuss your child’s progress.  If you would like an interview, please call the office to book an appointment during the week of November14th.  Just a reminder that there will be no school on Friday, November 18th.
    Thank you to the parents who provided our classes with beautiful junk and/ or play dough.  We continue to look for volunteers to make play dough for our class.  If you would like to help out, please send us a note and we will send the play dough recipe home with your child.  Also, thank you to the parents who have donated $5.00 for class pictures.
    A big thank you to Blak’s Bakery for inviting our students to learn about the bakery and for making cookies with us.  The students had a great time!  We would also like to thank all of our parent volunteers for their help on our trip to the bakery.  Field trips would not be possible without your support. 
    It is very important that you remember to check the Note Tote every night.  We use this to communicate with you and to send home important notices.  Please return it to school each day in your child’s backpack.  Also, the poem books are sent home every Friday.  Please read the poem with your child over the weekend.  This will help your child further develop their literacy skills.  Please return the poetry folders on Mondays.
     We continue to ask you to provide your child with a healthy snack.   Please do not send your child to school with candy and/or sugar treats.  Just a reminder that the children do go outside to play so please remember to send your child with hats, mitts and boots since Winter is fast approaching.  Please label all of your child’s items with their names as it is very easy for them to misplace them.   
  As always, your support and cooperation are appreciated,
                           The Early Years Team